Learn Xin Yi from Home
Extended Learning Program
This is a year-long course broken down into monthly segments. Each week, you will receive a new lesson based upon the theme of the month. The lessons will introduce shapes and ideas and present practices to develop and embody them. The lessons will be progressive and show the layers of development necessary to build a solid practice for life-long cultivation.
Xie Da Xing - 10 Big Shapes
This course will teach 10 Animal Forms from XYLHQ, known as the 10 Big Shapes. It is through the practice of these shapes that we transform the body. Embodying the Six Harmonies, we strengthen the Yi and develop Song (softness) and Gong (power of skill). To be skillful at shifting shapes is to maintain balance through change. Ten is the number of abundance and possibility. To master the 10 Big Shapes is to master the possibilities of change. Learn to use the mind to shape the body and the body to shape the mind.
You will learn traditional standing meditation and postural strengthening methods
You will learn traditional stepping methods for power generation and body integration
You will learn to use the Six Harmonies method to transform your body
You will be introduced to the model of classical education as a method of learning
You will learn what it is to embody the wisdom of the classics
You will be placed upon " the firm ground of practice" that is essential for transformation
You will learn how to use the mind to control the body and the body to control the mind
Phenomenal Course, Even for Non-Martial Artists!
Course curriculum
Welcome to the course!
A message from the instructor
Ji Ben Gong Basic Practice
Three phases of posture
Ji Ben Gong Basic practice: Rooster
Ji Ben Gong Basic practice: Snake
Ji Ben Gong Basic practice: Dragon
Ji Ben Gong Basic practice: Eagle
Ji Ben Gong Basic practice: Bear
Ji Ben Gong Basic practice: Tiger
Ji Ben Gong Basic practice: Hawk
Ji Ben Gong Basic practice: Monkey
Ji Ben Gong Basic practice: Horse
Ji Ben Gong Basic practice: Swallow
Introduction to Monthly Animal Shapes
Building out the Shape: Rooster Overview & Signature Posture
Building out the Shape: Gong Bu Stance
Building out the Shape: Ji Bu Stance
Building out the Shape: Rooster Stretches Wing
Building out the Shape: Rooster on one leg
Moving through the Shape: Rooster Back Lunge
Moving through the Shape: Forward Drop Lunge
Moving through the Shape: Liberating Waste and Wings
Moving through the Shape: Ji Bu Step Kick
Stepping Methods: Part 1 Step & Shift
Stepping Methods: Part 2 Step, Lift & Shift
Stepping Methods: Part 3 Step & Rotate Intro
Stepping Methods: Part 4 Step & Rotate into Gong Bu
Developing Gong: Straight Lifting Stretch Step
Developing Gong: Sinking & Stepping
Developing Gong: Part 3 Putting It All Together
Developing Gong: The Turn
Building out the Shape: Snake Overview & Signature Posture
Building out the Shape: Stretching & Constricting
Building out the Shape: Stretching Through The Grass
Building out the Shape: Transition Step
Moving through the Shape: Snake Sticks Out Tongue
Moving through the Shape: Rotating Around Center
Moving through the Shape: Putting It All Together
Stepping Method: Linear Step
Stepping Methods: Waist Development
Stepping Methods: Pattern and Angle
Stepping Methods: Putting It All Together
Developing Gong: Arm Drive
Developing Gong: Long Step
Developing Gong: Soft Stepping for Chi
Developing Gong: Putting It All Together & Turning
Building out the Shape: Dragon Overview & Signature Posture
Building out the Shape: Dragon Hangs Wrists
Building out the Shape: Gong Bu
Building out the Shape: Draw The 5 Bows
Building out the Shape: Ji Bu
Moving through the Shape: Dragon Hangs Wrists
Moving through the Shape: Dragon Step
Moving through the Shape:Dragon Gazes East & West
Moving through the Shape: Putting It All Together
Stepping Methods: Gong bu
Stepping Methods: Ji Bu
Stepping Methods: Gong bu ( off beat)
Stepping Methods: Ji Bu ( off beat)
Developing Gong: Straight step method
Developing Gong: Straight step with hands
Developing Gong: Turning method
Developing Gong: Putting it all together
Building out the Shape: Eagle Overview & Signature Posture
Building out the Shape: Eagle Catches Fish
Building out the Shape: Eagle Spreads His Wings
Building out the Shape: Eagle Wraps His Wings
Building out the Shape: Eagle Rises
Moving through the Shape: Rise, Overturn, Fall
Moving through the Shape: Eagle Spreads His Wings
Moving through the Shape: Eagle Wraps His Wings
Moving through the Shape: Eagle Dives for Fish
Stepping Methods: Eagle Spreads His Wings
Stepping Methods: Stretches Claws and Catches Fish
Stepping Methods: Eagle Wraps His Wings
Stepping Methods: Eagle Circles in the Sky
Developing Gong: Eagle Takes Flight
Developing Gong: Eagle Offers a Wing
Developing Gong: Eagle Rises
Developing Gong: Eagle Putting it all together
Building out the Shape: Tiger Overview & Signature Posture
Building out the Shape: Smiling Tiger
Building out the Shape: Pouncing Tiger
Building out the Shape: Tiger out of the Grass
Building out the Shape: Tiger Seizes
Moving through the Shape: Smiling Tiger
Moving through the Shape: Tiger out of the Grass
Moving through the Shape: Tiger Smiles and Pounces
Moving through the Shape: Putting it all together
Stepping Methods: Tiger out of the Grass
Stepping Methods: Tiger Seizes
Stepping Methods: Tiger Smiles and Pounces
Stepping Methods: Tiger Smiles, Pounces, and Drags
Developing Gong: Tiger out of the Grass
Developing Gong: Tiger Swings His Tail
Developing Gong: Tiger Swings His Tail and Pounces
Developing Gong: Tiger Putting it all together
Building out the Shape: Bear Overview & Signature Posture
Building out the Shape: Bear Exists the Cave
Building out the Shape: Bear Steps Forward
Building out the Shape: Bear Palm
Building out the Shape: Bear Topples the Mountain
Moving through the Shape: Bear Stretches his Back
Moving through the Shape: Bear Scratches his Belly
Moving through the Shape: Bear Steps Forward
Moving through the Shape: Bear Palm
Stepping Methods: Bear Scratches his Belly
Stepping Methods: Bear Palm
Stepping Methods: Bear Stands Up
Stepping Methods: Bear Steps Forward
Developing Gong: Bear Palm and Chop
Developing Gong: Bear Lifts Heavy Stone
Developing Gong: Bear March
Developing Gong: Bear Putting it all together
Sparrow Hawk
Building Out The Shape: Hawk Overview & Signature Posture
Building Out The Shape: Sparrow Hawk Stands on Forest Floor
Building Out The Shape: Sparrow Hawk Raises One Wing
Building Out The Shape: Sparrow Hawk Raises Both Wings
Building Out The Shape: Sparrow Hawk Leaves the Ground
Moving through the Shape: Sparrow Hawk Raises One Wing
Moving through the Shape: Sparrow Hawk Raises Both Wings
Moving through the Shape: Sparrow Hawk Leaves the Ground
Moving through the Shape: Sparrow Hawk Overturns in Flight
Stepping Methods: Sparrow Hawk Raises One Wing
Stepping Methods: Sparrow Hawk Leaves the Ground
Stepping Methods: Sparrow Hawk Alternates Wings
Stepping Methods: Sparrow Hawk Overturns in Flight
Developing Gong: Sparrow Hawk Raises One Wing
Developing Gong: Sparrow Hawk Leaves the Ground
Developing Gong: Sparrow Hawk Putting it all together - Single Wing
Developing Gong: Sparrow Hawk Putting it all together - Double Wing
Building out the Shape: Monkey Overview & Signature Posture
Building out the Shape: Monkey Looks Over the Horizon
Building out the Shape: Monkey Stands on a Rock
Building out the Shape: Monkey Hides its Head
Building out the Shape: Monkey Looks Back
Moving through the Shape: Monkey Swings its Arms
Moving through the Shape: Monkey Strikes Low
Moving through the Shape: Monkey Hides its Head
Moving through the Shape: Monkey Steps Aside
Stepping Methods: Monkey Strikes Low
Stepping Methods: Monkey Stands on a Rock and Steps Forward
Stepping Methods: Monkey Stands on a Rock and Hides its Head
Stepping Methods: Monkey Putting it all together
Developing Gong: Monkey Slap
Developing Gong: Monkey Looks Back and Hides its Head
Developing Gong: Monkey Turns Around
Developing Gong: Monkey Putting it all together
Building out the Shape: Horse Overview & Signature Posture
Building out the Shape: Grabbing the Reins
Building out the Shape: Pulling the Reins
Building out the Shape: Horse Gallops
Building out the Shape: Horse Rears Up
Moving through the Shape: Grabbing the Reins
Moving through the Shape: Pulling the Reins
Moving through the Shape: Horse Rears Up
Moving through the Shape: Horse Gallops
Stepping Methods: Grabbing the Reins
Stepping Methods: Pulling the Reins
Stepping Methods: Horse Rears Up
Stepping Methods: Horse Gallops
Developing Gong: Grabbing the Reins
Developing Gong: Pulling the Reins
Developing Gong: Horse Gallops and Rears Up
Developing Gong: Horse Putting it all together
Building out the Shape: Swallow Overview & Signature Posture
Building out the Shape: Swallow Stretches Up
Building out the Shape: Swallow Steps Forward
Building out the Shape: Swallow Twists in Flight
Building out the Shape: Swallow Skims the Water
Moving through the Shape: Swallow Stretches Up
Moving through the Shape: Swallow Steps Forward
Moving through the Shape: Swallow Swoops Down
Moving through the Shape: Swallow Skims Water
Stepping Methods: Swallow Stretches Up
Stepping Methods: Swallow Steps Forward
Stepping Methods: Swallow Swoops Down
Stepping Methods: Swallow Walks on Water
Developing Gong: Swallow Stretches Up
Developing Gong: Swallow Swoops Down
Developing Gong: Swallow Rises and Falls
Developing Gong: Swallow Putting it all together
Finishing Sequence
Building out the Shape: Finishing Sequence Overview
Building out the Shape: Finishing Sequence 1
Building out the Shape: Finishing Sequence 2
Building out the Shape: Finishing Sequence 3
Building out the Shape: Finishing Sequence 4
Moving through the Shape: Finishing Sequence 1
Moving through the Shape: Finishing Sequence 2
Moving through the Shape: Finishing Sequence 3
Moving through the Shape: Finishing Sequence 4
Stepping Methods: Finishing Sequence 1
Stepping Methods: Finishing Sequence 2
Stepping Methods: Finishing Sequence 3
Stepping Methods: Finishing Sequence 4
Developing Gong: Finishing Sequence 1
Developing Gong: Finishing Sequence 2
Developing Gong: Finishing Sequence 3
Developing Gong: Finishing Sequence Putting it all together
Year 2 - Lun JIn
Year Two Introduction
Building out the shape - Lun Jin - 1
Building out the shape Lun Jin 2
Building out the shape Lun Jin 3
Building out the shape - Lun Jin - 4
Moving through the shape - Lun Jin 1
Moving through the shape -Lun Jin -2
Moving through the shape -Lun Jin -3
Moving through the shape - Lun Jin - 4
Stepping Methods - Lun Jin -1
Stepping Methods - Lun Jin -2
Stepping Methods - Lun Jin - 3
Stepping Methods - - Lun Jin-4
Building Gong - - Lun Jin-1
Building Gong - Lun Jin-2
Building Gong - - Lun Jin-3
Building Gong - Lun Jin-4
Da Pi ( The Big Chop)
Da Pi Intro
Building out the shape Da Pi - 1
Building out the shape Da Pi - 2
Building out the shape Da Pi - 3
Building out the shape Da Pi - 4
Moving through the Shape Da Pi - 1
Moving through the Shape Da Pi - 2
Moving through the Shape Da Pi - 3
Moving through the Shape Da Pi - 4
Stepping Methods 1 - Da Pi
Stepping Methods 2 - Da Pi
Stepping Methods 3 - Da Pi
Stepping Methods 4 - Da Pi
Building Gong - overview - Da Pi
Yao San Ba - Rolling Rooster Step
Yao San Ba - Intro
Yao San Ba - Building out the Shape 1st shape
Yao San Ba - 2nd Shape
Yao San Ba - 3rd Shape
Yao San Ba - 4th Shape
Yao San Ba - Moving through the shape - 1
Yao San Ba - Moving through the shape - 2
Yao San Ba - Moving through the shape - 3
Yao San Ba - Moving through the shape - 4
YSB - Stepping - 1
YSB - Stepping - 2
YSB - Stepping - 3
YSB - Stepping - 4
YSB - Building out the Gong
Snake Enters/Exits Hole
Snake Enters/Exits - Building 1&2
Snake Enters/Exits - Building - 3&4
Snake Enters/Exits - Moving - 1
Snake Enters/Exits - Moving - 2
Snake Enters/Exits - Moving - 3
Snake Enters/Exits - Moving - 4
Snake Enters/Exits - Stepping - 1
Snake Enters/Exits - Stepping - 2
Snake Enters/Exits - Stepping - 3
Snake Enters/Exits - Stepping - 4
Snake Enters/Exits - Developing Gong
snake turn
Ringing The Bell
Intro & First Posture
Postures 2,3,4
Posture Flow
Moving through the Shape 1
Moving through the Shape 2
Moving through the Shape 3
Moving through the Shape 4
Stepping Methods 1
Stepping Methods 2
Stepping Methods 3
Stepping Methods 4
Building out the Gong
Big Dragon Shape
BDS Intro & Standing
BDS Moving through Shape
BDS Stepping Methods
BDS Gong
Lion Wraps Horizontally
Lion Intro
Lion Standing
Lion Standing/Moving
Lion Standing/ Moving through shape
Lion Stepping
Lion Wraps Finsih details
Lion Wraps Turn
Level 2 - Logic - Going deeper
level 2
Level 2 Class 1
lesson from march 22
pi quan jon lesson
Monthly Subscription
Levels of learning
$450.0010 Big Shapes (Bundle)
New instruction videos posted on weekly basis, allowing you to take your time developing each shape and providing plenty of practice drills. -
$75.00 / month
$75.00 / month10 Big Shapes (Refined Learning Program)
This option signs you up for the weekly lessons while giving you access to the live monthly workshop for troubleshooting and refinement. Valuable live instruction to answer questions, be part of a community and gain exposure to this living tradition. -
$150.00 / month
$150.00 / month10 Big Shapes (Complete Learning Program)
This option gives you access to the weekly video lesson, the monthly live trouble-shooting workshop and one private coaching session per month. If you are serious about your health and practice, this option gives you direct feedback and full support.
One Time Payment - Save 25%
Levels of Learning
$450.0010 Big Shapes (Bundle)
New instruction videos posted on weekly basis, allowing you to take your time developing each shape and providing plenty of practice drills. -
$675.0010 Big Shapes (Refined Learning Program)
This option signs you up for the weekly lessons while giving you access to the live monthly workshop for troubleshooting and refinement. Valuable live instruction to answer questions, be part of a community and gain exposure to this living tradition. -
$1,350.0010 Big Shapes (Complete Learning Program)
This option gives you access to the weekly video lesson, the monthly live trouble-shooting workshop and one private coaching session per month. If you are serious about your health and practice, this option gives you direct feedback and full support.
Social proof: testimonials
World Class Coaching
Big Changes & Fast
Solid and Succinct. Highly recommended!
Do I need any previous internal martial arts experience?
No. This course will take you through a program of development designed to open the body progressively through the 10 Shapes.
I already practice another martial art, will this confuse my learning?
No. XYLHQ is a method for body change and development. These exercises will empower and improve any other practice. The focus is on integration, alignment and coordination development.
Can you learn martial arts online?
Yes, this program is designed to teach the body-changing practices of Xin Yi. The focus is upon clear instruction of traditional exercises. You can and will learn to change your body, which is at the heart of martial arts.

Derek Notman