Learn Xin Yi from Home

Extended Learning Program

This is a year-long course broken down into monthly segments. Each week, you will receive a new lesson based upon the theme of the month. The lessons will introduce shapes and ideas and present practices to develop and embody them. The lessons will be progressive and show the layers of development necessary to build a solid practice for life-long cultivation.  

Xie Da Xing - 10 Big Shapes

This course will teach 10 Animal Forms from XYLHQ, known as the 10 Big Shapes. It is through the practice of these shapes that we transform the body. Embodying the Six Harmonies, we strengthen the Yi and develop Song (softness) and Gong (power of skill). To be skillful at shifting shapes is to maintain balance through change. Ten is the number of abundance and possibility. To master the 10 Big Shapes is to master the possibilities of change. Learn to use the mind to shape the body and the body to shape the mind.

  • You will learn traditional standing meditation and postural strengthening methods

  • You will learn traditional stepping methods for power generation and body integration

  • You will learn to use the Six Harmonies method to transform your body

  • You will be introduced to the model of classical education as a method of learning

  • You will learn what it is to embody the wisdom of the classics

  • You will be placed upon " the firm ground of practice" that is essential for transformation

  • You will learn how to use the mind to control the body and the body to control the mind

Phenomenal Course, Even for Non-Martial Artists!

Evan Field

“I am truly amazed by how much I have benefited from this course. I have had the pleasure and privilege of training with Derek in person, so I know that he is an excellent teacher and his skill in the internal arts is beyond anyone else I have ever met. Despite this, I was hesitant to begin an online course believing it could not be as beneficial as in-person education. I am happy to report that my estimation was wrong; this course completely blew me away! The basic practice on ji ben gong features some of the most beneficial exercises I have ever encountered in any discipline of exercise or martial arts. These movements are simple, but stretch and change the body in a manner that feels both therapeutic and strengthening. I wholeheartedly believe these practices alone are worth enrolling in the course, as anyone could benefit them regardless of background.”

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the course!

    • A message from the instructor

  • 2

    Ji Ben Gong Basic Practice

  • 3


    • Introduction to Monthly Animal Shapes

    • Building out the Shape: Rooster Overview & Signature Posture

    • Building out the Shape: Gong Bu Stance

    • Building out the Shape: Ji Bu Stance

    • Building out the Shape: Rooster Stretches Wing

    • Building out the Shape: Rooster on one leg

    • Moving through the Shape: Rooster Back Lunge

    • Moving through the Shape: Forward Drop Lunge

    • Moving through the Shape: Liberating Waste and Wings

    • Moving through the Shape: Ji Bu Step Kick

    • Stepping Methods: Part 1 Step & Shift

    • Stepping Methods: Part 2 Step, Lift & Shift

    • Stepping Methods: Part 3 Step & Rotate Intro

    • Stepping Methods: Part 4 Step & Rotate into Gong Bu

    • Developing Gong: Straight Lifting Stretch Step

    • Developing Gong: Sinking & Stepping

    • Developing Gong: Part 3 Putting It All Together

    • Developing Gong: The Turn

  • 4


    • Building out the Shape: Snake Overview & Signature Posture

    • Building out the Shape: Stretching & Constricting

    • Building out the Shape: Stretching Through The Grass

    • Building out the Shape: Transition Step

    • Moving through the Shape: Snake Sticks Out Tongue

    • Moving through the Shape: Rotating Around Center

    • Moving through the Shape: Putting It All Together

    • Stepping Method: Linear Step

    • Stepping Methods: Waist Development

    • Stepping Methods: Pattern and Angle

    • Stepping Methods: Putting It All Together

    • Developing Gong: Arm Drive

    • Developing Gong: Long Step

    • Developing Gong: Soft Stepping for Chi

    • Developing Gong: Putting It All Together & Turning

  • 5


    • Building out the Shape: Dragon Overview & Signature Posture

    • Building out the Shape: Dragon Hangs Wrists

    • Building out the Shape: Gong Bu

    • Building out the Shape: Draw The 5 Bows

    • Building out the Shape: Ji Bu

    • Moving through the Shape: Dragon Hangs Wrists

    • Moving through the Shape: Dragon Step

    • Moving through the Shape:Dragon Gazes East & West

    • Moving through the Shape: Putting It All Together

    • Stepping Methods: Gong bu

    • Stepping Methods: Ji Bu

    • Stepping Methods: Gong bu ( off beat)

    • Stepping Methods: Ji Bu ( off beat)

    • Developing Gong: Straight step method

    • Developing Gong: Straight step with hands

    • Developing Gong: Turning method

    • Developing Gong: Putting it all together

  • 6


    • Building out the Shape: Eagle Overview & Signature Posture

    • Building out the Shape: Eagle Catches Fish

    • Building out the Shape: Eagle Spreads His Wings

    • Building out the Shape: Eagle Wraps His Wings

    • Building out the Shape: Eagle Rises

    • Moving through the Shape: Rise, Overturn, Fall

    • Moving through the Shape: Eagle Spreads His Wings

    • Moving through the Shape: Eagle Wraps His Wings

    • Moving through the Shape: Eagle Dives for Fish

    • Stepping Methods: Eagle Spreads His Wings

    • Stepping Methods: Stretches Claws and Catches Fish

    • Stepping Methods: Eagle Wraps His Wings

    • Stepping Methods: Eagle Circles in the Sky

    • Developing Gong: Eagle Takes Flight

    • Developing Gong: Eagle Offers a Wing

    • Developing Gong: Eagle Rises

    • Developing Gong: Eagle Putting it all together

  • 7


    • Building out the Shape: Tiger Overview & Signature Posture

    • Building out the Shape: Smiling Tiger

    • Building out the Shape: Pouncing Tiger

    • Building out the Shape: Tiger out of the Grass

    • Building out the Shape: Tiger Seizes

    • Moving through the Shape: Smiling Tiger

    • Moving through the Shape: Tiger out of the Grass

    • Moving through the Shape: Tiger Smiles and Pounces

    • Moving through the Shape: Putting it all together

    • Stepping Methods: Tiger out of the Grass

    • Stepping Methods: Tiger Seizes

    • Stepping Methods: Tiger Smiles and Pounces

    • Stepping Methods: Tiger Smiles, Pounces, and Drags

    • Developing Gong: Tiger out of the Grass

    • Developing Gong: Tiger Swings His Tail

    • Developing Gong: Tiger Swings His Tail and Pounces

    • Developing Gong: Tiger Putting it all together

  • 8


    • Building out the Shape: Bear Overview & Signature Posture

    • Building out the Shape: Bear Exists the Cave

    • Building out the Shape: Bear Steps Forward

    • Building out the Shape: Bear Palm

    • Building out the Shape: Bear Topples the Mountain

    • Moving through the Shape: Bear Stretches his Back

    • Moving through the Shape: Bear Scratches his Belly

    • Moving through the Shape: Bear Steps Forward

    • Moving through the Shape: Bear Palm

    • Stepping Methods: Bear Scratches his Belly

    • Stepping Methods: Bear Palm

    • Stepping Methods: Bear Stands Up

    • Stepping Methods: Bear Steps Forward

    • Developing Gong: Bear Palm and Chop

    • Developing Gong: Bear Lifts Heavy Stone

    • Developing Gong: Bear March

    • Developing Gong: Bear Putting it all together

  • 9

    Sparrow Hawk

    • Building Out The Shape: Hawk Overview & Signature Posture

    • Building Out The Shape: Sparrow Hawk Stands on Forest Floor

    • Building Out The Shape: Sparrow Hawk Raises One Wing

    • Building Out The Shape: Sparrow Hawk Raises Both Wings

    • Building Out The Shape: Sparrow Hawk Leaves the Ground

    • Moving through the Shape: Sparrow Hawk Raises One Wing

    • Moving through the Shape: Sparrow Hawk Raises Both Wings

    • Moving through the Shape: Sparrow Hawk Leaves the Ground

    • Moving through the Shape: Sparrow Hawk Overturns in Flight

    • Stepping Methods: Sparrow Hawk Raises One Wing

    • Stepping Methods: Sparrow Hawk Leaves the Ground

    • Stepping Methods: Sparrow Hawk Alternates Wings

    • Stepping Methods: Sparrow Hawk Overturns in Flight

    • Developing Gong: Sparrow Hawk Raises One Wing

    • Developing Gong: Sparrow Hawk Leaves the Ground

    • Developing Gong: Sparrow Hawk Putting it all together - Single Wing

    • Developing Gong: Sparrow Hawk Putting it all together - Double Wing

  • 10


    • Building out the Shape: Monkey Overview & Signature Posture

    • Building out the Shape: Monkey Looks Over the Horizon

    • Building out the Shape: Monkey Stands on a Rock

    • Building out the Shape: Monkey Hides its Head

    • Building out the Shape: Monkey Looks Back

    • Moving through the Shape: Monkey Swings its Arms

    • Moving through the Shape: Monkey Strikes Low

    • Moving through the Shape: Monkey Hides its Head

    • Moving through the Shape: Monkey Steps Aside

    • Stepping Methods: Monkey Strikes Low

    • Stepping Methods: Monkey Stands on a Rock and Steps Forward

    • Stepping Methods: Monkey Stands on a Rock and Hides its Head

    • Stepping Methods: Monkey Putting it all together

    • Developing Gong: Monkey Slap

    • Developing Gong: Monkey Looks Back and Hides its Head

    • Developing Gong: Monkey Turns Around

    • Developing Gong: Monkey Putting it all together

  • 11


    • Building out the Shape: Horse Overview & Signature Posture

    • Building out the Shape: Grabbing the Reins

    • Building out the Shape: Pulling the Reins

    • Building out the Shape: Horse Gallops

    • Building out the Shape: Horse Rears Up

    • Moving through the Shape: Grabbing the Reins

    • Moving through the Shape: Pulling the Reins

    • Moving through the Shape: Horse Rears Up

    • Moving through the Shape: Horse Gallops

    • Stepping Methods: Grabbing the Reins

    • Stepping Methods: Pulling the Reins

    • Stepping Methods: Horse Rears Up

    • Stepping Methods: Horse Gallops

    • Developing Gong: Grabbing the Reins

    • Developing Gong: Pulling the Reins

    • Developing Gong: Horse Gallops and Rears Up

    • Developing Gong: Horse Putting it all together

  • 12


    • Building out the Shape: Swallow Overview & Signature Posture

    • Building out the Shape: Swallow Stretches Up

    • Building out the Shape: Swallow Steps Forward

    • Building out the Shape: Swallow Twists in Flight

    • Building out the Shape: Swallow Skims the Water

    • Moving through the Shape: Swallow Stretches Up

    • Moving through the Shape: Swallow Steps Forward

    • Moving through the Shape: Swallow Swoops Down

    • Moving through the Shape: Swallow Skims Water

    • Stepping Methods: Swallow Stretches Up

    • Stepping Methods: Swallow Steps Forward

    • Stepping Methods: Swallow Swoops Down

    • Stepping Methods: Swallow Walks on Water

    • Developing Gong: Swallow Stretches Up

    • Developing Gong: Swallow Swoops Down

    • Developing Gong: Swallow Rises and Falls

    • Developing Gong: Swallow Putting it all together

  • 13

    Finishing Sequence

    • Building out the Shape: Finishing Sequence Overview

    • Building out the Shape: Finishing Sequence 1

    • Building out the Shape: Finishing Sequence 2

    • Building out the Shape: Finishing Sequence 3

    • Building out the Shape: Finishing Sequence 4

    • Moving through the Shape: Finishing Sequence 1

    • Moving through the Shape: Finishing Sequence 2

    • Moving through the Shape: Finishing Sequence 3

    • Moving through the Shape: Finishing Sequence 4

    • Stepping Methods: Finishing Sequence 1

    • Stepping Methods: Finishing Sequence 2

    • Stepping Methods: Finishing Sequence 3

    • Stepping Methods: Finishing Sequence 4

    • Developing Gong: Finishing Sequence 1

    • Developing Gong: Finishing Sequence 2

    • Developing Gong: Finishing Sequence 3

    • Developing Gong: Finishing Sequence Putting it all together

  • 14

    Year 2 - Lun JIn

    • Year Two Introduction

    • Building out the shape - Lun Jin - 1

    • Building out the shape Lun Jin 2

    • Building out the shape Lun Jin 3

    • Building out the shape - Lun Jin - 4

    • Moving through the shape - Lun Jin 1

    • Moving through the shape -Lun Jin -2

    • Moving through the shape -Lun Jin -3

    • Moving through the shape - Lun Jin - 4

    • Stepping Methods - Lun Jin -1

    • Stepping Methods - Lun Jin -2

    • Stepping Methods - Lun Jin - 3

    • Stepping Methods - - Lun Jin-4

    • Building Gong - - Lun Jin-1

    • Building Gong - Lun Jin-2

    • Building Gong - - Lun Jin-3

    • Building Gong - Lun Jin-4

  • 15

    Da Pi ( The Big Chop)

    • Da Pi Intro

    • Building out the shape Da Pi - 1

    • Building out the shape Da Pi - 2

    • Building out the shape Da Pi - 3

    • Building out the shape Da Pi - 4

    • Moving through the Shape Da Pi - 1

    • Moving through the Shape Da Pi - 2

    • Moving through the Shape Da Pi - 3

    • Moving through the Shape Da Pi - 4

    • Stepping Methods 1 - Da Pi

    • Stepping Methods 2 - Da Pi

    • Stepping Methods 3 - Da Pi

    • Stepping Methods 4 - Da Pi

    • Building Gong - overview - Da Pi

  • 16

    Yao San Ba - Rolling Rooster Step

    • Yao San Ba - Intro

    • Yao San Ba - Building out the Shape 1st shape

    • Yao San Ba - 2nd Shape

    • Yao San Ba - 3rd Shape

    • Yao San Ba - 4th Shape

    • Yao San Ba - Moving through the shape - 1

    • Yao San Ba - Moving through the shape - 2

    • Yao San Ba - Moving through the shape - 3

    • Yao San Ba - Moving through the shape - 4

    • YSB - Stepping - 1

    • YSB - Stepping - 2

    • YSB - Stepping - 3

    • YSB - Stepping - 4

    • YSB - Building out the Gong

  • 17

    Snake Enters/Exits Hole

    • Intro

    • Snake Enters/Exits - Building 1&2

    • Snake Enters/Exits - Building - 3&4

    • Snake Enters/Exits - Moving - 1

    • Snake Enters/Exits - Moving - 2

    • Snake Enters/Exits - Moving - 3

    • Snake Enters/Exits - Moving - 4

    • Snake Enters/Exits - Stepping - 1

    • Snake Enters/Exits - Stepping - 2

    • Snake Enters/Exits - Stepping - 3

    • Snake Enters/Exits - Stepping - 4

    • Snake Enters/Exits - Developing Gong

    • snake turn

  • 18

    Ringing The Bell

    • Intro & First Posture

    • Postures 2,3,4

    • Posture Flow

    • Moving through the Shape 1

    • Moving through the Shape 2

    • Moving through the Shape 3

    • Moving through the Shape 4

    • Stepping Methods 1

    • Stepping Methods 2

    • Stepping Methods 3

    • Stepping Methods 4

    • Building out the Gong

  • 19

    Big Dragon Shape

    • BDS Intro & Standing

    • BDS Moving through Shape

    • BDS Stepping Methods

    • BDS Gong

  • 20

    Lion Wraps Horizontally

    • Lion Intro

    • Lion Standing

    • Lion Standing/Moving

    • Lion Standing/ Moving through shape

    • Lion Stepping

    • Lion Wraps Finsih details

    • Lion Wraps Turn

  • 21

    Level 2 - Logic - Going deeper

    • level 2

    • Level 2 Class 1

    • lesson from march 22

    • pi quan jon lesson

  • 22

    Essential Pointers

    • 10.13.23

Watch Intro Video

Monthly Subscription

Levels of learning

  • $50.00 / month

    $50.00 / month10 Big Shapes (Basic Learning Program)

    This option signs you up for the weekly lessons while giving you access to the live weekly workshop for troubleshooting and refinement. Valuable live instruction to answer questions, be part of a community and gain exposure to this living tradition.

One Time Payment - Save 25%

Levels of Learning

  • $450.00

    $450.0010 Big Shapes (Bundle)

    New instruction videos posted on weekly basis, allowing you to take your time developing each shape and providing plenty of practice drills.

Social proof: testimonials

World Class Coaching

Omar Hakim

Xinyi Liuhe Quan is a lesser-known "internal" Chinese martial art with a fiercely earned reputation for being a practical fighting system. Xinyi's incredible power comes from utilizing the physics of coordinated momentum, tension, relaxation, and bone alignment to generate and focus force into an opponent's body. Xinyi requires a practitioner's body to have an exceptional combination of joint mobility, tendon resilience, suppleness, and strength. These physical attributes are developed through Xinyi's unique body-transforming practices known as the "ten animals" or the "ten shapes". Derek Notman is an exceptional teacher of Xinyi Liuhe Quan and its body transformation methods. Derek has over three decades of experience practicing and teaching internal martial arts in China, Southeast Asia, and the United States. Derek has distilled Xinyi's body-transformation practices into a unique series of easily absorbed lessons that make the practice of Xinyi accessible to students of all levels and experience. Derek has replaced the esoteric and vague vocabulary or explanations commonly used by other internal martial arts teachers with the practical instructions you would expect to hear from a world-class sports coach. With Derek's guidance, you don't have to imagine feeling "forces" moving within your body – you'll actually experience internal physical sensations that arise out of correct body alignment and tension. I wholeheartedly endorse and recommend Derek Notman as an instructor to anyone seeking to learn Xinyi Liuhe Quan or anyone interested in living in a healthier, more resilient body. Omar Hakim is a martial arts teacher with over thirty years of experience, and he has instructor credentials in the following Filipino, Indonesian, and Malaysian martial arts (awarded on the dates shown): 1988 - Pekiti-Tirsia Kali (private student of Grandmaster Leo Gaje) 1992 - Filipino Martial Arts & Jun Fan Gung Fu (Guro Dan Inosanto) 1994 - Pencak Silat Mande Muda (Pak Herman Suwanda) 2003 - Seni Silat Kuntau Tekpi (Pak Haji A. Sani Zainol) 2005 - Silat Kalimah Yahya Said (Pak Haji Jauhari Eusof bin Ali)

Big Changes & Fast

Jon Prescott

Learning Xinyi with Derek’s online course is systematic and clear, starting with the basics and building linearly into the advanced shapes. Derek seems to have quite the gift for teaching, and transmits the concepts in a very user-friendly way. This course has revolutionized my understanding of internal arts. Highly recommended.

Solid and Succinct. Highly recommended!

Bilal Ahmed

Derek's attention to detail and concise descriptions make it fun to learn and yet tough to embody the practice, as it should be. The videos are clear and short, building the shapes in a step-wise fashion into their final form. Apart from replaying the videos, if there are any further questions, Derek is very responsive and always there to point in the right direction. Working with the body and through its patterns with the shapes, it seems the fun has only started!


  • Do I need any previous internal martial arts experience?

    No. This course will take you through a program of development designed to open the body progressively through the 10 Shapes.

  • I already practice another martial art, will this confuse my learning?

    No. XYLHQ is a method for body change and development. These exercises will empower and improve any other practice. The focus is on integration, alignment and coordination development.

  • Can you learn martial arts online?

    Yes, this program is designed to teach the body-changing practices of Xin Yi. The focus is upon clear instruction of traditional exercises. You can and will learn to change your body, which is at the heart of martial arts.

Derek Notman

I was drawn to the Chinese internal arts (Nei Jia Quan) because of their balance and beauty. Containing deep philosophical roots and powerful embodied practices, they offer a path for integrated personal development. Over the last 30 years, I have sought instruction from traditions and practitioners all over the world, including time training and living in China and Thailand. I am an inner door student in the art of Song-style Xin Yi Liu He Quan under Shuisheng Peng of Shanghai.

Clear, high quality presentation

Andrew Kushner

I have seen a lot of Westerners practicing Kung Fu, but only a handful whom I would say “have” Kung Fu. Derek Notman is one such practitioner. Having lived in Taiwan and speaking fluent Chinese, I have spent a long time trying to comprehend these arts. I much appreciate learning from someone who has found his way through the internal systems. It is very helpful to save time and get straight to the essence of the arts.